獨立策展人、表演藝術評論者與作曲家。 畢業於奧地利國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學,主修作曲,師事國際作曲大師Michael Jarrell 與Klaus Huber師徒二人,曾獲選歐盟藝術組織「歐洲藝術網絡」EU ART NETWORK 臺灣地區邀請藝術家。曾受采風樂坊、台北打擊樂團、朱宗慶打擊樂團、奧地利Janus Ensemble、德國柏林新音樂室內樂團KNM Berlin 等委託創作。近年創作作品有非典人聲三部曲:《墜落的告別》、《無境入聲》和《盛世如歌花如煙》、《百鬼—給打擊樂團與預置錄音》,跨域影像《閱讀音樂I:讓我們來讀詩吧!》、《異托邦的素描本,給室內樂團、聲景、錄像與預置錄音》。另與劇場導演王嘉明合作「傳藝金曲獎頒獎典禮」、小事製作《七》、莎妹劇團《親愛的人生》、《RE:親愛的人生》與《達文西的notebook》。 近年創立策展平台捌號會所,除擔任衛武營當代音樂平台策展人與2022Mattauw大地藝術季協同策展人外,並致力於青年藝術家陪伴與創作發展,最新製作有國際共製跨域作品《連篇歌曲》以及創新說唱戲《夢迴春閨》。
Independent curator, performing art critic, and composer. LIN graduated from the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, majoring in music composition under the tutelage of international mentor-mentee composers Michael Jarrell and Klaus Huber. LIN was among the Taiwanese artists selected by the European art organization “EU ART NETWORK.” LIN has been commissioned by groups including Chai Found Music Workshop, Taipei Percussion, Ju Percussion Group, the Janus Ensemble in Austria, and Ensemble KNM Berlin. Her recent works include the atypical vocalist trilogy: Der fallende Abschied, Rustles in the void, and Der Qualm aus dem fernen Land, The Gunas, and interdisciplinary image works Reading MusicI: Let’s Read Poetry and Heterotopia Sketch, for flute, violoncello, video and tape. LIN has also collaborated with theatre director WANG Chia-ming at The Golden Melody Award for Traditional Arts and Music award ceremony, Les Petites Choses Production’s Seven Selves, and Shakespeare's Wild Sisters Group’s Dear Life, RE: Dear Life, and Leonardo’s Notebook. LIN established the curatorial platform Studio Acht in the past recent years. Apart from serving as the curator for Contemporary Music Platform at National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) and a co-curator at 2022 Mattauw, LIN is also devoted to assisting the creative development of young musicians. LIN’s latest works include international interdisciplinary co-production Liederzyklus and Fallow into dreams, an innovative work that integrates storytelling with singing.