由琵琶蘇筠涵、古箏吳妍萱、打擊方馨三位志同道合的音樂家組成,她們各自具有鮮明的獨奏家風範,音樂性格強烈,又具有重奏合作的思維,相容互補,進退得宜,可聽到音樂家精湛又細膩的演奏中,利用不同基調的音色搭配變換,展現時而濃烈時而溫潤的層次,迸發器樂彼此對話的火花。三位同為出生於高雄的音樂家,對音樂也有共同的熱情與韌性,同為點狀音色樂器發聲方式,他們取材古曲共同創作,融合各自獨有的美學經驗,巧妙拋接樂思成線,創造出以傳統音樂為基礎,翻玩當代聲響的立方重奏,找出傳統的當代價值,發展出傳統樂器的更多可能,拉近群眾與傳統音樂的距離,是CUBE BAND的核心概念。此外,音樂家也擅長演奏當代作品以及世界音樂,在這個眾聲喧嘩的時代,邀請聽眾跟著她們遁入聲音的秘境,聽見初心,聽見音樂原來可以如此。
CUBE BAND is the trio of pipa artist SU Yun-Han, zheng artist WU Yen-Hsuan, and percussionist FANG Hsin. The three young Taiwanese musicians gathered by Studio Acht complement each other with their extraordinary skills, distinctive styles, and a strong sense of ensemble. CUBE BAND’s combination of traditional instruments is uncommon in Taiwan; it is an excellent showcase of the musicians’ skills and mastery. In their performance, the audience can appreciate the varying timbre of basic tones and witness the sparks of conversation between the instruments.
In recent years, Studio Acht has commissioned world-renowned composers to compose specifically for CUBE BAND. These works are not only brilliant in their own right, but they also inspire a masterly ensemble where the three artists individually and jointly explore new possibilities for traditional music. The three creative musicians of CUBE BAND are charting new territories in the contemporary music scene of Taiwan: their bold performance and improvisation will be the voice of the new generation.
Pipa│SU Yun-han
演奏風格細膩質樸、沉穩內斂、清新自然,她演研並進,在琵琶音樂的文化脈絡與紋理中,逐步在積累個人的音樂厚度與文化視角,並在不同的音樂類型與自由即興之合作中摸索各種可能。為國立臺灣藝術大學中國音樂學系碩士、國立臺灣師範大學音樂系博士,現專職於國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系、兼任教於國立臺灣師範大學音樂系。2019年舉辦「不同空間的對話 II—蘇筠涵琵琶獨奏會」作為個人階段性音樂想法的整理與呈現,同年起參與臺灣團隊捌號會所 (Studio Acht) 「藝術陪伴計畫」 (We Art Together Project) ,拓展國際網絡與投入多項新創製作計畫。
Yun-Han’s pipa is honest and humble, exquisite and expressive. With a good tense and musicianship, she possesses great understanding and attitude towards the pipa traditional music and an open-mindedness to explore various possibilities and cooperations concerning pipa performance in modern society. Her mindset concerning pipa music makes her out of other young pipa players in Taiwan.
Guzheng│ WU Yen-hsuan
「指尖下流淌出淬煉後的堅毅。」─ 北京中央社
活躍於各種跨領域舞台,演奏風格新穎穩健、細膩真摯,充滿張力且富有畫面感,保留古箏音樂之傳統韻味的同時,賦予創新的音樂脈絡,獨特的詮釋手法成為眾多作曲家或 跨界藝術家喜愛合作的古箏演奏者。畢業於中央音樂學院,連續三年榮獲台灣學生獎學金一等獎,獲民樂系藝術學士後考取研究所,再次以優異成績提前修畢獲取碩士學位,師從周望教授,吳妍萱也是其臺灣首位嫡傳學生。2014-2019年陸續為東歐13國大使與日本大使館擔當獨奏家演出,並數次被福建省莆田琴箏研究會邀請舉辦系列音樂會、大師班以及擔當賽事評審。2019-2020年參與諸多跨界製作,包含客家創作歌手黃珮舒新專輯《出門看看》之古箏編曲與演奏。2020年以古箏演奏家身份入選作曲家陳其鋼舉辦之「躬耕書院創作工作坊」。
WU Yen-Hsuan comes from Taoyuan, Taiwan. She is active in various cross-domain stages. Her performance style is novel and stable, delicate and sincere, full of tension and sense of picture. While retaining the traditional rhyme of zheng music, she also presents innovative musical context and unique interpretation techniques. Therefore, she has become a zheng performer that many composers or crossover artists love to collaborate with.
Percussion│FANG Hsin
以獨奏、室內樂和樂團演奏者的身份活躍於各種音樂形態的表演,演奏風格乾淨俐落、音色豐富多變、優雅中蘊藏爆發力,擅長將中西打擊樂器融合運用。文化大學中國音樂學系畢業後,赴英國深造五年鑽研西洋打擊樂,因對於打擊樂的熱愛多方嘗試不同的表演類型。2014年7月從英國倫敦皇家音樂學院畢業,以特優的成績取得藝術家文憑,是第一位以打擊樂主修獲得此殊榮的人,並且獲選為Mary Jobson Award的Ernest Hecht獎學金得主,同年9月獲得義大利PAS第十二屆國際擊樂大賽定音鼓首獎。2015年12月考取臺北市立國樂團,擔任定音鼓演奏團員,同年於高雄衛武營舉辦個人回台第一場獨奏會「The Current-2015方馨打擊樂獨奏會」。2017年入選第二屆JPG擊樂實驗室並於隔年發表 「Redefine—擊樂X電子X互動」,2018年6月於台北市中山堂光復廳舉辦「2018方馨打擊獨奏會」。
FANG Hsin is active in different performance domains as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestra performer. Her performance is smooth and neat with rich timbers, containing power in elegance. She is expert in combining Western and Chinese traditional beats and rhythms through her improvisation. Fang also has a great focus on the music of percussion instruments with digital audio playback.
特邀音樂家 Guest Musician
Trombone|Amy HE
現任台北爵士大樂隊(TJO)、台北爵士青年大樂團(TYJO)、微酸瑪莉(Acid Marie)、放克舒坦(The Funkenstein Project)長號手,並於2021年自組-曙光樂團,將喜愛的音樂幻化成不同的音樂風格;演出經驗跨及台灣各大展演中心、Live House,常年隨不同樂團演出,演奏風格融入許多不同音樂要素,包含爵士、古典、流行、放克、融合樂等;並參與數張唱片錄音、編曲、演唱會及頒獎典禮演出。
HE graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Music, majoring in trombone and minoring in piano. During her university studies, HE learned the classical trombone and participated in interdisciplinary pop music collaborations. In 2008, HE joined New San-geu-tai Band, led by YEN Chih-Wen, and became a prominent figure, participating in composing, singing, and trombone performances.
Throughout this process, HE realized that her love for Jazz and popular music was greater than classical music and started searching for opportunities to express herself even further. HE honed her skills in music groups and exposed herself to a wider range of musical knowledge, immersing herself in the ocean of music.
In 2011, HE collaborated with New San-geu-tai Band in composing May Afternoon , which received first prize at the Hakka Star Competition. During this time, HE was twice shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award for Best Hakka Album for works Waves of Grain and Under Eaves.
HE is currently a trombonist at the Taipei Jazz Orchestra (TJO), Taipei Youth Jazz Orchestra (TYJO), Acid Marie), and The Funkenstein Project. In 2021, HE established the music group Silver Lining, transforming musical pieces she loves into different musical styles. The musician is a frequent performer at various performance venues and live houses across Taiwan, and she frequently collaborates with different music groups in staging performances that integrate different musical elements such as Jazz, classical music, pop music, Funk, and fusion music. HE has also participated in the recording of several music CDs, music arrangement projects, concerts, and award ceremony performances.